Buy Namatofree Plus – Pochonia chlamydosporia (Wettable Powder) BioInsecticide (IPL) Online | Farmers Stop Skip to content

Nematofree Plus – Pochonia chlamydosporia (Wettable Powder) BioInsecticide (IPL)

Rs. 450.00
Benefits To The Crop:
Effective against nematode (Meloidogyne spp.), Reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus spp.) Citrus nematode, Radopholus spp.
फसल के लिए लाभ:
नेमाटोड (मेलोइडोगाइनी एसपीपी), रिनिफॉर्म नीमेटोड (रोटाइलेनुलस एसपीपी) साइट्रस नेमाटोड, राडोफोलस एसपीपी के खिलाफ प्रभावी।

Target Crops:
Wheat, Paddy, Citrus, Banana, Papaya, Potato, Okra, Tomato, Tea, Coffee, Black Pepper, Pomegranate.
लक्ष्य फसलें:
गेहूं, धान, खट्टे, केला, पपीता, आलू, ओकरा, टमाटर, चाय, कॉफी, काली मिर्च, अनार।
Mode Of Action:
Nematofree+ on getting attached to the target pest i.e. nematodes, form a heavy mycelium that gives rise to conidiophores. It produces hyphae inside nematode body which proliferate and start feeding on nematode internal contents and produces a serine protease that is toxic to nematode eggs and produce enzymes like proteases and chitinase that weaken nematodes.

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