Buy Snow Ball F1 Hybrid White type Brinjal (Sarpan Seeds) Online | Farmers Stop Skip to content

Snow Ball F1 Hybrid White type Brinjal (Sarpan Seeds)

Sold out
Rs. 250.00

Product description :   Fruits of Sarpan – Brinjal Snow Ball are white egg type high round in shape, shiny , fleshy very attractive esthetically look good. Unique in flavour, rich in nutrition.           Plants are prolific in nature .  Suitable in all season for home gardening- terrace gardening, grow bag cultivation, terrace poly house gardening, roof top gardening and balcony gardening  too. 

Sowing of seeds : Suitable in all season for kitchen gardening. Nurseries are raised and 35 days old seedlings are transplanted in  kitchen garden  or in to field or plant containers, grow bags . Good management practices need to be practiced to harness good yields and quality.