Buy Milgo – Ampelomyces quisqualis (Liquid) BioFungicide (IPL) Online | Farmers Stop Skip to content

Milgo – Ampelomyces quisqualis (Liquid) BioFungicide (IPL)

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Rs. 375.00
Target Disease/Insects:
Mainly powdery mildew but also parasitic on Botrytis cinerea, Alternaria solani, Colletotrichum, Coccodes and Cladosporium cucumerinum.
लक्ष्य रोग / कीड़े:
मुख्य रूप से ख़स्ता फफूंदी लेकिन बोट्रीटिस सिनेरिया, अल्टरनेरिया सोलानी, कोलेलेट्रिचम, कोकोड्स और क्लैडोस्पोरियम कुकुमेरिनम पर भी परजीवी।

Target Crops:
Wide range of powdery mildew affected crops like Cucurbits, Grapes, Apple, Peas, Beans, Tomato, Pulses, Cumin, Chilies, Coriander, Mango, Ber, Peas, Strawberry, Medicinal and Aromatic crops and Roses.

लक्ष्य फसलें:
कुकुरीट, अंगूर, सेब, मटर, बीन्स, टमाटर, दालें, जीरा, धनिया, आम, बेर, मटर, स्ट्राबेरी, औषधीय और सुगंधित फसलें और गुलाब जैसी चूर्ण से प्रभावित फसलों की व्यापक रेंज।

Mode Of Action:
The fungus Ampelomyces quisqualis is a naturally occurring hyper parasite of powdery mildews. This parasitism reduces growth and may kill the mildew colony, the micro parasite directly penetrates the walls of hypahe, conidiophores and immature cleastothesia, but may be unable to infect mature cleastothesia. Approximately in 7 – 10 days, microparasites spread within the hyhae of the mildew colony without killing it. Thereafter, the process of pycnidial formation begins and completes within 2 – 4 days, infected cells generally die soon after pycnidial formation begins. Repeated applications of the micro parasite are generally necessary and high humidity and rain fall aid in spread to developing mildews colonies. In adverse climatic condition i.e. low humidity & low temperature /pycnidial which will be produced from the infected mildew are more resistant and persist in the environment for relatively long period at least into next season. These in turn may give rise to viable spores when conditions become favorable again.